Who knew? Things you might NOT know about Citizens Advice

New Blog mini-series
Everyone knows about Citizens Advice or their local CAB, don’t they? Well no, actually.
When national Citizens Advice researched the CA brand a few years ago they found misconceptions and low awareness among some groups. Older people tended to know more about us than young (we have been around for some time). But many thought we were a bit, well, old-fashioned.
One result of the research for many local Citizens Advice was a change of name: we would no longer be Bureaux. More importantly, we began modernising. Now, wherever you look, at governance, digital capacity, inclusion, diversity, we think you will see a forward-looking network of community charities working well for a happier society.
Today we’re launching a short series of blogs to help people see how far we’ve moved on.
Our CEO Lisa Davis starts us off with thoughts on why advice that’s truly independent and impartial matters so much in a cost of living crisis. Read Lisa’s blog here.
In the coming days other colleagues will cover what it means to offer help to any resident in need whoever they are, whatever their problem and the value of being owned and run by local people for local people.
Future blogs will look at how we’re continuously shaping the service to meet contemporary expectations. They include the growing social value of our data analysis and the part local advice services could play in national health reform.