David looks forward to helping with ‘one of society’s biggest challenges’

This month our Money Advice Team welcomes David Sinclair as their new caseworker. For David himself it’s the natural next stage in his Citizens Advice career.
For nearly a year he has been a volunteer general adviser with CAEE. This was an opportunity to support the local community which he enjoyed. Being able to help people find practical solutions to legal and social problems was particularly rewarding.
By David’s own account, joining the Money Advice team takes that a step further:
“You are dealing with one of the biggest challenges in society today, the cost of living crisis. Helping the local community deal with debt issues is ethically rewarding and intellectually satisfying.”
Marian Anghileri, a team member, says:
“We’re delighted David is joining our specialist Money Advice Team. He will help strengthen our knowledge base, bring fresh perspectives and expand our offer to clients.”
David is a Fellow of the International Association of Privacy Professionals. He recently completed the Solicitor Qualification Examinations and has over 15 years of direct client experience.
At Citizens Advice he will work from our Town Hall base offering face-to-face appointments and advice tailored to clients’ individual needs.